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Hydroponics: Sustainable growth


Have you ever wondered if plants could thrive without soil? The answer lies in hydroponics, a groundbreaking technique that allows plants to grow in a soil-less medium.


By providing essential nutrients directly to the roots, hydroponics promotes faster growth, increased yields, and efficient use of resources.

How does hydroponics work?

Hydroponics operates under a very simple principle: provide plants with exactly what they need when they need it, without using soil.

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Combining the power of hydroponics with elegant design, the Loop creates a sustainable and visually appealing indoor farming system, bringing a touch of nature and freshness to your environment.

Hydroponic micro-farm, a sustianable interior biophilic design for better workplaces

The Loop incorporates a water tank and implements water recycling techniques, minimizing both consumption and waste.


Our system provides a well-balanced mixture of essential nutrients that are dissolved in water. Plants can directly absorb these nutrients from the water, ensuring their optimal growth.


Our hydroponic system is equipped with artificial full-spectrum lights to stimulate plant growth effectively.



To maintain proper oxygen levels, the Loop utilizes pumps that deliver adequate oxygenation to the plant roots.

With the combination of all these elements, plants experience accelerated growth rates, vibrant colors, and abundant harvests all year round.

The benefits

Water conservation

Hydroponics uses up to 90% less water than traditional soil-based farming methods.

Year-round cultivation

Hydroponics enables continuous crop production, independent of seasonal changes.

Efficient nutrient delivery

Precise control ensures optimal nutrient uptake, promoting healthy plant growth.

Less environmental impact

Hydroponics minimizes chemical use, water waste, and soil erosion, making it an eco-friendly method.

Space Efficiency

Vertical farming in hydroponics allows more plants to be grown in a smaller area.

Faster growth

Hydroponics accelerates plant growth, yielding quicker and more efficient crop development.

Evaluating hydroponics and traditional farming
Traditional farming
Does not use soil. Utilizes inert growing media or water-based nutrient solutions.
Relies on soil, which provides structural support and holds nutrients for plants.
Diseases and pest control
Eliminates the risk of soil-borne diseases and pests since plants are grown in a soil-less environment.
Susceptible to soil-borne diseases and pests.
Nutrient delivery
Precise control over nutrient delivery. Nutrients are directly provided to the plants through water-based solutions
Nutrient availability can vary based on soil composition and fertility.
Water usage
Recirculates and conserves water. Hydroponic systems use up to 90% less water compared to traditional farming. Water is delivered directly to the roots, reducing water waste
Higher water usage due to evaporation, runoff, and inefficient irrigation methods. Water is typically applied to the entire field, including non-growing areas.
Seasonal limitations
Enables year-round cultivation independent of seasonal changes. Provides a controlled environment
Crops are subject to seasonal changes, climate variations, and daylight availability.
Space efficiency
Allows for efficient space utilization as can be implemented in smaller areas.
Requires larger land areas for crop production.
Soil erosion
Eliminates soil erosion as plants are not grown in soil.
Soil erosion can occur due to wind or water runoff.
Environmental control
Provides precise control over environmental factors. Humidity, light, temperature, and other variables can be customized and optimized for specific plant requirements,
Limited control over environmental factors such as light, temperature, and humidity. Reliant on natural conditions and weather patterns.
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